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When researching health insurance, it cannot be easy to figure out which plan is right for you. This article will outline the different types of health insurance and what each offers. After reading this, you should better understand which type of health insurance is best for you and your family. 

The Top 7 Types Of Health Insurance
The Top 7 Types Of Health Insurance


  1. Medicare is a government program that provides health insurance to people over 65 or those with specific disabilities.
  2. Medicaid
  3. Medicaid is a government program that provides health insurance to people who are poor or have specific disabilities.
  4. Tricare
  5. Tricare is a government program that provides health insurance to military members and their families.
  6. COBRA is a government program that allows employees who lose their jobs to continue their health insurance coverage for up to 18 months.


Medicaid is one of the most common types of health insurance. It is a government program that provides coverage for low-income people.

Medicaid is a good option for people who don't have any other health insurance. It's free, so you won't have to pay any premiums or fees. And it's very affordable. The average cost of coverage with Medicaid is just $3 per month.

There are some limitations to Medicaid, though. First, it only covers essential medical services. So if you need surgery or hospitalization, you'll have to pay for those services out-of-pocket. Second, Medicaid doesn't cover all types of health care. You may have to pay extra for specialty care or treatment.

Overall, Medicaid is a good option for people who don't have any other health insurance. It's free, so you won't have to pay any premiums or fees. And it's very affordable.


One of the most common types of health insurance is Tricare. Tricare is a government-run program that provides health care for military personnel and their families. It is one of the top three health insurance programs in the United States.

Tricare covers many services, including hospitalization, surgery, and medical treatment. It also pays for drugs and other treatments not covered by other health insurance programs.

Tricare is not a traditional health insurance program. Instead, it is a system that connects patients with doctors and hospitals that the government contracts. This system makes it easy for patients to get the care they need without worrying about finances or coverage

Tricare is an excellent choice for people who are members of the military or their families. It offers a wide range of services unavailable through other health insurance programs. 


If you cannot find a new job and your previous employer offers you COBRA coverage, you may be able to continue your health insurance through your former employer. COBRA is short for the Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act, a law that allows workers who lose their jobs to continue their health insurance coverage for up to 36 months.

There are some essential things to know about COBRA coverage:

  1. You must have been with your former employer for at least 12 months before the job loss happened.
  2. The coverage only applies to employees who cover by a group health plan at their former employer.
  3. The coverage is unavailable if you have Medicare or Medicaid coverage.

Fourth, the coverage only applies to medical expenses related to job loss. Finally, you must pay the total cost of the coverage yourself.

If you are eligible for COBRA coverage and want to take advantage of it, make sure you contact your former employer immediately after losing your job. The sooner you can start receiving benefits, the better chance you have of being approved for the coverage and getting the most benefit.


Obamacare is a landmark health care law that was passed in 2010. It is also known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The goal of Obamacare was to improve the quality of health care for Americans by making it more affordable and accessible.

One of the most important provisions of Obamacare is the requirement that all Americans have health insurance. It is known as the individual mandate. Individuals who do not have insurance are required to purchase it from a government-run program or pay a tax penalty.

Since its passage, Obamacare has been met with many criticisms. Some people believe that it does not go far enough to improve health care quality. Others believe that it has increased the cost of health insurance premiums and Medicaid benefits.

Nonetheless, Obamacare is still one of the fundamental laws in modern-day healthcare. 

The Affordable Care Act (ACA)

The Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) is a law that was passed in 2010 by the United States Congress. The purpose of the ACA is to provide health insurance to people who do not have it and to improve the quality of health care available to Americans.

The ACA has several important provisions that affect health insurance. One of these is the requirement that all people have health insurance. This provision is known as the "individual mandate" and is part of the ACA. The individual mandate requires all people eligible for health insurance to buy it or pay the penalty.

The penalty for not having health insurance is currently $695 per person, or 2% of your income, whichever is greater. This penalty will increase until it reaches $2,085 per person in 2020. After 2020, the penalty will be eliminated.

Another necessary provision of the ACA is the expansion of Medicaid coverage. The Medicaid program is a government program that provides health insurance coverage to low-income families and children. The expansion of Medicaid coverage under the ACA means that more low-income families will be able to get health insurance. The ACA also makes changes to Medicare coverage. 


Health insurance is an integral part of any person's life. It can help cover costs associated with medical procedures and treatments and provide peace of mind in the event of an emergency. Unfortunately, not all health insurance is created equal, and not all policies are suited for everyone. Hopefully, this article has provided you with more information on the topic and helped you decide which type of health insurance would be best for you.
